Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Baby bird updates...

Almost all of the gouldians are molting, some for the second time of the year.  Not sure what is going on, but their breeding season is pausing currently.  Some of the gouldian babies born so far are molting into adult colors already.
Ken's newest siblings - 2 silvers and 1 pastel?

gouldian babies at various stages of coloring up

RH PB GB hen - great grand-daughter of one of my favorite gouldians, a BH PB/WB SFYB/BB male with a redline, who has since passed away

 While the gouldians are acting out of character, unexpected species are breeding.
 The canary baby has grown up a lot - it is red factor but has some mild variegation on the head.  In addition to the unexpected canary baby, a pair of sea green red faced parrot finches are brooding 3 fertile eggs.  The white java pair also laid 3 eggs, though not sitting as of yet.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

canary baby

My red factor canary pair laid 6 eggs, 2 were fertile, and although only 1 hatched, here it is...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Slow going but babies are growing

I have greatly enjoyed going to some bird fairs recently with some "bird friends", and learned a lot as well from the judges of the bird shows.  The breeding season is coming along slowly, but I am having some exciting babies.
the great Clarence Culwell with the winners at the Temple bird show
 Even Texas is getting some fall colors this year.
silver and ?pastel babies gouldians

left most may be a pastel? the 2 on the right are silvers

new shaft tail babies just fledged few days ago!!

this one is a little lighter than it's siblings, may be a cream?

Mao, trying to blend into the background...

Lucky, acting timid as usual

Friday, November 12, 2010

Updates on various species...

1 pair of shaft tails has babies.  I've removed the 2 pairs from the big flight cage as they kept tossing or won't sit well.  I believe all the activities from the other birds int he flight interferes with their breeding activity.  I will let them rest for a few weeks and will try them in breeding cages...once I have one empty up.

I guess I have a pair of red factor canaries after all.  I knew I had a male as he always sang, but wasn't sure about the other younger bird.  It also sang rarely, so I was thinking may be it was just a young male, but recently I saw the older male "molesting" the younger bird, and a cracked canary egg showed up at the bottom of the flight cage, off they go into a breeding cage.  The hen has now made herself a nest, and I see her sitting in the nest tonight.  Hopefully, we'll have more eggs soon.  

The cordon blues have managed to sit tightly then quickly toss all their babies.  I'll let them try one more time, then that'll be it.  I may try to let a new young group of societies foster their babies if they toss again.

Still having a somewhat slow start with the gouldians.  A couple more babies had to be fostered.  These are my first redline couple's babies, so didn't want to risk losing them after the parents looked somewhat reluctant to go back to the nest.  Will be letting the parents try again.  A couple more pairs are raising their own babies, which is good.  The societies have also been raising a few of their own babies.  Unfortunately, no creaminos yet.  I have paired up a few new pairs of gouldians.  Fingers crossed.

I'm still handfeeding some of the scarlet chest babies, which always seem to lead to slower development unfortunately.  At least the plucked feathers have started to grow back.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New feathered friends...

I finally went to Bird Mart semi-locally and acquired some new friends.  Also, I traded the linnies for some very pretty bourkes.  I shall miss the linnies, so here's a tribute section for them.

As for the new friends...
From left to right: green backed twinspot hen, montane white eye, purple grenadier male, creamino society

green backed twinspot male and hen and a fawn society on top

2 creamino societies and a pair of montane white eye

New bourkes: pink hen, cream male, and bronze fallow hen...supposedly

cream male and bronze fallow hen

pink hen and cream male

blue rumped red opaline hen and white faced pink male

white faced pink male
close up of white faced pink male

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fledgling and misc. pictures




Mock Orange

Couldn't resist posting some fall flowers.
 Another nest of gouldians and other eggs fostered to societies.  These are more babies from the pair who are very light sitters.  I finally separated the pair and paired them with other partners to see if incompatibility is the reason for such unenthusiastic parenting.
 Close-up shows a hatching egg, so there soon should be 2 baby gouldians.

 Here are a couple of older siblings of the hatching egg and the just hatched baby; these 2 just fledged yesterday.  One is dilute so is a boy, and the second one is yellow.

  Two more yellow siblings of the previously mentioned babies and fledglings - note everyone has a red leg band to keep parentage straight.  These two are fostered with different societies and have fledged for about a week now.  They've gotten very good at chasing down their foster parents demanding to be fed.  Their foster parents are the one raising the recently hatched baby and the just hatching egg.  Young society fledglings are being raised in the same cage.
 Here's another society baby, a pied fawn.  Society babies tend to be almost overly precocious and will fledge before they have all their feathers.

 Ken's new siblings.  Three fledged with 2 more still in the nest.

Here's dad feeding baby.
"cream" shaft tail hen

Creamino shaft tail male

a pair of red faced star finch with a male gold breast waxbill showing off his orange rump

red headed parrot finch, pair of gold breasts, and red faced star finch hen in the back

Blush stretching, male gold breast, and male red faced star

yellow tipped beak black headed purple breast green back gouldian male

 Everybody loves to bath,
male pintail whydah enjoying a splash

 One never gets the bathing facility to oneself for long.  The red-factor canary wants a turn.
 My new lutino scarlet chested grasskeet hen with her split to ino sons eating lunch.
 Close up of Scarlet.  I can get this close because this side is her bad eye.
 Another society fledgling who looks like it should have stayed in it's nest for a few more days - surprisingly good flyers though.