Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring is here...

flowering almond
Spring is here and all of the sudden flowers are everywhere.  Breeding season for gouldians is ending, but societies, cordon blues, shaft tails, purple grenadiers, star finches, owls, parrot finches, and the grasskeets are still on going.  I'm always glad of new babies.
pied dilute star finch baby, just fledged

creamino shaft tail, and blue faced parrot finch

lutino bourke male

bowel of creamino shaft tails

lutino and white faced pink bourke males

white fronted blue scarlet chested grasskeet male

white java baby

red factor canary baby

blue scarlet pair and red fronted yellow turquoisine

pair of red fronted turquoisines

pair of blue scarlets

cherry blossoms

blue lilac


dove nest in a holly tree

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New baby pictures

The normal scarlets are back in the nest.  Red and Scarlet has 5 fertile eggs.  Coral and Blush also have at least 5 eggs, not sure how many are fertile since Blush is sitting very tight.

Still having new species of finches raising babies - split to fawn owl male with normal hen pair has 5 fertile eggs, purple grenadier have laid eggs (fingers definitely crossed), a pair of red faced stars hatched 2 babies, various societies are raising babies, and the white javas have laid eggs again.  The sea green parrot finch pair have been very prolific.  They've already fledged 7 babies from 2 clutches already.  The red faced parrot finch pair have finally finished molting - seems to be interested in the nests now.  The forbes pair isn't having great luck - they chose a nest right next to the stars and are being chased away often.  I will let them try again since the stars are busy feeding their babies, but may have to give them their own flight cage to breed in.

baby gouldian - he's an only child due to having a first time father

newly fledged sea green RH parrot finches

fawn society finch babies

pied dilute fawn society finches

chestnut pearl society finch