Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Society and Gouldian youngsters coloring up...

red fawn society finch

red fawn society finch

fawn society hen
black headed white breasted yellow backed gouldian hen

orange headed white breasted blue backed gouldian hen

black headed yellow backed gouldian hens - lilac breast on left, white breast on right

orange headed white breasted yellow backed gouldian hen
red headed white breasted green backed male gouldian with red line

red headed white breasted green backed male gouldian

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New canaries and society youngsters all grown up.

Phaeo canary hen

Phaeo canary hen

Phaeo canary male

Phaeo canary male

Satinette canary hen

Satinette canary hen

recessive white canary hen

recessive canary hen

dainagon society finch

dainagon society finch

chiyoda society finch

chiyoda society finch

black brown society finch
pied dilute chestnut grey society finch

pied dilute chestnut grey society finch

pied black grey society finch

pied black grey society finch

pied black grey society finch

pied black grey society finch

dilute chestnut grey society finch

clearwing fawn society finch

clearwing fawn society finch

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New fledgelings...

various gouldians

scarlet chested grasskeet babies - white front blue and cinnamon