These are my 2 baby gouldian finches being fostered with societies. They are doing very well so far. Should be yellow headed normals - not sure about breast color.
In the middle is my silver baby of the year - I think it's a girl so far with black head and white breast. It's so hard to tell how far she's gone through her molt when she's completely white. Her sister/brother (I think probably sister since no singing yet) to her right is black headed white breasted yellow. Older normal black headed juveniles on either side. With the warmer weather, everyone is molting hard.
Just wanted to throw in a picture of my bearded iris.
This is a picture of the clutch of 4 scarlet chested grasskeets. Notice the 5th infertile egg of more translucent yellow color that is on the most right position compared with the more solid white coloring of the fertile eggs.
This is one of the babies from the 3 hatched babies from the clutch of 5. They are 1-2 days old now. Parents still feeding well. The picture on the right is the baby showing me it's fuzzy butt :D
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