black headed normal gouldian hen and dilute society finch |
opaline turquoisine hen |
pearl society and male star finch |
star finch hen |
dark eyed white male java |
juvenile yellow gouldian |
juvenile fawn society, juvenile silver java, juvenile scarlet chested parakeet male |
marked white society |
group of marked white societies |
juvenile normal gouldian and chest frilled chocolate society finch |
juvenile black grey and chocolate societies |
star finch hen and high red opaline dilute turquoisine young male |
normal star finch male and yellow gouldian |
opaline (rosey) bourke |
opaline/lutino male bourke breeder |
black grey society finch (more euro style) |
grey fawn chest frill society finch |
chocolate and chest societies |
pale fallow bourke young male |
opaline bourke juvenile |
young opaline bourke and societies |
rubino (opaline ino) bourke male |
red cheek cordon blue hen and blue cap cordon blue hen |
silver diamond fire tail hen |
yellow beak long tail finch |
young male scarlet chested grasskeet |
young opaline pale fallow bourke hen |
young lutino male bourke |